Do you know what to look for in construction software?

We’ve all heard that construction is one of the last industries to embrace technology (only followed by agriculture and hunting). But now that technology is more widely embraced, there is a construction tech boom and firms are scrambling to get started. Yet, despite the benefits of using software, 47% of construction managers still use manual methods to collect important project information (survey by TrackVia).

Getting started in construction tech

One of the main obstacles is just knowing where to start. Whether you’re at the beginning with researching options or looking to change a current software vendor, it can be a challenge wading through all the options available for construction management software. A quick search provides an overload of information from vendors and review sites.

With all these options available, how do you choose the right solution for your firm? How do you prioritize what is most important for your team: easy-of-use, tools available, customer support, mobility, pricing, security, etc.?

Don’t forget an implementation strategy

What’s even more important, and often overlooked when developing a construction tech strategy, is the implementation. You’ll also need to determine how this new tool will be rolled out to your team. For example, before you choose a solution you’ll need answer:

  1. How do I encourage adoption on the job site?
  2. How do I validate that the solution is being used?
  3. How should I respond to resistance?
  4. Should I start with a pilot project or immediately implement it company-wide?

In addition, you’ll need to develop processes to ensure success. As you research solutions, you should also be developing workflows and measurement metrics, as well as making sure you have the right talent on your workforce to use the technology.

Where to begin

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a guide with not only the top tips on how to choose a construction software platform, but the best practices for implementation. Also, included is a checklist to help you determine and rank your needs.

Armed with the knowledge of what you truly need, you’ll be better prepared to find the right software partner, and not be tempted by bells and whistles that you don’t need.

Get Started in Construction Management Software