Top 5 Stress Management Tips for Superintendents

Running the day-to-day operations on a construction site is crucial to keeping the project on track, yet with so many moving pieces it can result in a lot of stress. Managing a project includes long hours and involves keeping tabs of multiple subcontractors, resources, schedules, deadlines, quality control and the list goes on. All of this can build internal pressure and whether you take stress home with you or try to leave it at the jobsite, it can begin to take its toll and become difficult to handle.

It is especially important to manage stress, not ignore it, on the jobsite. If not managed, stress can become chronic with the potential to lead to dangerous situations. Of note, chronic stress triggers cortisol hormones that can blur rational thinking and possibly lead to clouded judgement, mismanagement and possible project failures.

However, you can take steps to keep situations under control before they become stressful. With proper planning, delegation and technology you can meet stress head on and handle it before it takes its toll on your or your job.

Here are our top 5 tips to stress less:

  1. Specify and clarify job requirements

Set ground rules and clarify them with your team, as well as the client, so everyone knows what to expect. Keep documentation to avoid any gaps. Having all of this spelled out at the beginning of project will avoid last minute surprises.

  1. Plan right and prioritize

Identify and order your priorities, starting with the most important, and work accordingly. Following a priority list will keep you on track as things falling in place. Remember to keep some room for covering any unplanned work while setting a work schedule.

  1. Share the load

Delegate work within your team, defining what is expected from each individual. Spreading responsibility will give you more time to effectively supervise the project and remain involved in areas where you’re needed rather than getting bogged down with minor tasks.

  1. Don’t overdo it

It’s easy to get wrapped up in a project and keep going. Sometimes you may not even realize how focused you are. However, it is important to try and take short breaks to keep your mind fresh. Remember long hours will eventually have a negative impact on your mind and body. So, don’t overdo, plan and work for achievable goals.

  1. Embrace technology

These days, there are several apps that can help with projects, including ones for scheduling, safety and billing. Construction project management software is also available to keep your team on the latest set and on schedule. By using technology, you can eliminate extra paperwork and keep information organized and at your fingertips leading to reduced stress and increased productivity.

Managing stress on the jobsite is important not only to the project, but to your health. According to research conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), effects of stress, which can impact your job performance, include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Frequent mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Low morale
  • Upset stomach
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Workplace Injury
  • Psychological disorders

As a Superintendent, the nature of you job and managing so many moving pieces makes it inherently stressful. By following these 5 easy tips, you can get better control on people and projects and keep stress at a bay.